Sunday, February 20, 2011


Morphing into an animal is possibly the coolest thing ever. It’s like becoming a pool of warm liquid chocolate chip cookies and reforming into something you never dreamed could be real. You just will yourself to become, say, a cat, and you melt down and freeze up again, this time a cat. For a non-Morpher, it’s very hard to comprehend. I remember the day I found out I was a Morpher. I was maybe seven or eight, playing in the park. Well, I say playing, but I was really just sitting there, daydreaming. I was watching the birds, and thinking about how cool it would be to fly. I’ve always loved to watch animals, study their movements and behaviors. I’ve always found them fascinating, especially birds. They were soaring higher than I had ever seen them fly before, and I wished I could join them. I wished I could fly far, far away and leave the kids and all their cruel laughter on the playground behind me. And all of a sudden, it happened. I didn’t Morph fully, that rarely ever happens on a new Morpher’s first try, but I did grow a feather. A solitary, perfect, beautiful, white feather. It stuck out of my hand, maybe about as long as my pinky. I remember just staring at it, fascinated. I thought at first it had fallen from one of the birds above, but when I picked it up to examine it closer, I felt a tug, and blood pooled in the tiny, round hole it had left in my hand. So I just dropped it and ran back to the school, but after that, I knew. I just knew.

This is the beginning of a story I am working on. Please give feedback!